The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy

Read 35 years ago

First Published 1984

Jack Ryan is an analyst at the CIA. One of the Soviet subs has gone missing, and Ryan has a theory, but if he's wrong it could mean Nuclear war. This was Tom Clancy's first and perhaps best novel, although I'm a bit partial. Red October holds a special place for many folks in Southeastern Connecticut. Groton, CT is known as the "Submarine Capitol of the World". This is where I went to high school, and many people I know either work at the Navy Sub Base or at Electric Boat, where subs have been designed & built for years. My father-in-law and one of my uncles both served in the navy as submariners. Because of them, I was eager to read this book, and I was not disappointed. Suspenseful and fast paced, with a level of detail and realism that is the benchmark of Clancy's work. A great film adaptation starring Alec Baldwin as Ryan and Sean Connery as Captain Ramius.