The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Read 21 years ago

First Published 2003

As a big fan of the original renaissance man, I looked forward to reading this based on the title. With "Angels & Demons" fresh in my mind, I was somewhat appalled to discover that it followed a nearly identical storyline as this new book. I remember thinking that Brown managed to get paid twice for writing the same book. In any case, this is still a fun & entertaining read with more conspiracy theories and secret organizations. Once again, the plot takes us through more historic sites some of which I've visited and others that I had always wanted to visit. I hadn't been to Paris since the I. M. Pei glass pyramid addition to the Louvre, which is the setting for a particularly notable scene in the book. In 2013, I finally got to see the space in person. I also enjoyed the film adaptation of this book which features most of the locations from the book, and perhaps some others that weren't in the novel. (I can't recall.)