Fight and Flight by Scott Meyer

Book Four in the Magic 2.0 Series

Read 8 months ago

First Published 2017

Book four in the Magic 2.0 series finds our wizards getting into trouble again. No surprise there. This time, however, it's of their own doing. While it had it's highlights, there was nothing really new or interesting in this book. I do enjoy when Meyer's sense of humor, but occasionally, I have to look up his references. (I'd never heard of "Dokken"). In the end, how many nerdy jokes are too much? How many sequels are too many? I feel like I'm still reading this series just because I'm a completionist. Or maybe this was just the weakest story line. There was no villanous enemy. Our heroes brought trouble upon themselves and the residents of Leadchurch, then had to repair the damage they had done to their reputations. Perhaps the highlight of the book (spoiler alert) was when Gwen and Brit the Younger pretended to be demons as they healed all of the injured town residents. This was definitely the best Meyer has done to provide his famale characters with a stand-out performance. Of course, that's coming from a heterosexual dude...