Book five was the first of the Expanse series that I read prior to the release of the television program. The writers of the show have often chosen to incorporate characters and bits of the storyline from later books into earlier seasons (Avasarala is one notable example). Book five introduces the characters Marco and Filip Inaros who first appeared in Season four, which also hints at the events to come. Without including any spoilers, I'll just point to one of the last scenes in the final episode titled "Cibola Burn" for a (blatant)) clue into what unfolds in Nemesis Games. Suffice to say that the crew are taking some well-earned shore leave during which time the Rocinante undergoes some much-needed repair, refit, and resupply. The three crew members go off on their own, each to deal with some important business from their pasts. Meanwhile, Holden stays on Tycho to oversee and assist the work on the Roci. This book was heavy on narrative, and I was longing for some action by the time it finally arrived much later. Once the action was under weigh, however, I couldn't put the book down.